Special Message Regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
posted 3/18/2020 2:45P
Dear LRCC Family,
The LRCC is a place where people gather and come to connect to recovery supports and each other, which, in this current crisis where Social Distancing is essential has driven us to creatively imagine ways to keep the community safe while still providing the valuable recovery supports you have become accustomed to. We have considered guidance form Federal, State, and City Public Health Authorities as well as other Recovery Community Organizations across the country like LRCC and have made the decision to pivot into a virtual support mode, whereby we are still able to be available and provide linkage to much needed resources and accurate information.
Public Health authorities have communicated that practicing social distancing, working virtually where possible, good hand hygiene (washing hands for at least 20 seconds), ceasing hand shaking, and covering coughs with our elbow are some of the best ways to decrease and limit the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). We are committed to doing our part to “flatten the curve” and slow the spread of COVID-19. I also wanted to be sure you knew that the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services has set up a COVID-19 Hotline at 1-800-722-5725. You can find their website centralizing information on the virus HERE.
Keeping the safety and wellbeing of staff and our community is a top priority at LRCC and we have made the tough decision to move LRCC operations to a Virtual platform at his time. This temporary move to a Virtual environment does not mean we will stop being a hub for recovery services and connections.
We will be hosting 22 recovery meetings weekly via Zoom. This link https://linktr.ee/LRCC will allow you to connect to the recovery meetings we are hosting either through your phone or computer, video is optional with this platform.
We will also be conducting telephone recovery coaching sessions by appointment. To schedule your Recovery Coaching appointment use this link https://linktr.ee/LRCC or call (502) 717-8321.
We know that changes to this situations will occur over the coming days and weeks, we encourage you to stay connected using our social media channels and our website. We will be posting updates and any current news on these channels as well. We thank you for your support while we all work together to keep our community healthy and safe.
Stay Safe and Connected,
Jeremy M. Byard
Centerstone Crisis and Information Line: 502-589-4313
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1- 800-273-8255
Peace Hospital 24-hour HelpLine: 502-451-3333
COVID-19 Hotline: 1-800-722-5725
https://linktr.ee/LRCC this is the LRCC platform with meetings that support multiple pathways in recovery and Peer Supports standing by for telephone, text, or video supports, resources, and more…
The Token Shop on line 12- step meeting directory: https://www.thetokenshop.com/Online_AA_Meetings?fbclid=IwAR2jg45D5_v4R-k9yOB8IPC2b-qseyKvioAyFMSX-nUr5uZhuILSGB-7bhc
Recovery Speakers Online:
Alcoholics Anonymous Online Intergroup:
Narcotics Anonymous Online Meetings:
http://na.org/meetingsearch “for country, select web”
Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance Online Support Groups:
or text DBSA to 741-741
SMART Recovery Online Meetings:
WeConnect/Unity RCO/Alano Club of Portland Platform:
Other Resources:
In The Rooms:
Online social network, free and unlimited access to over 117 live online Recovery meetings weekly (AA, NA, other 12 step and non-12 step groups, daily meditations, and afternoon affirmations)
Kentucky's Electronic Workplace for Employment Services:
NAMI Connection:
Our Louisville Connection support groups are moving to a phone conference mobile format and will not me meeting at the physical locations. Please reach out to Jennifer Jarrett to express your interest in this option (502-648-1564 or jennkwando@gmail.com)